Monday, August 4, 2008

Interesting moments in the Giles Household...

Tonight I was trying to get one of the kids to laugh. It worked. I also made my husband laugh. I was dancing around the den in my underwear. He said I looked like Homer Simpson, and starting making fun of my big white belly. This did wonders for my self esteem, especially since we had just spent an evening at our pool with some friends, one of which just had a baby three months ago and was wearing a bikini successfully. While I whined to Dave tonight about my poor belly he offered to pay for a tummy tuck. Didn't know if I should slap him or hug him.

Dave has a doctor appointment tomorrow. I have given him a list of things he is supposed to discuss. He made the appointment mainly cause he has some sort of rash on his legs, probably poison ivy or something, but he's going to hit this doctor up for a lot more then rash cream. I am after him to stop "dipping" yepp.. the husband chews tobacco, and its a nasty, nasty habit. He has agreed to try this new medication call Chantix that a coworker has told me about and is working well for her husband. He is also supposed to discuss the big V. Yepp, someone is getting fixed, and Dave has agreed to man up and get a vasectomy. So he has lots to take care of tomorrow. Funky leg rash riddance, tobacco cessation, and sterilization. He's going to be a new man when its all said and done!


Anonymous said...

Hope the Chantix will work wonders. One of the ladies I work with smoked for 32 yrs. and was able to quit with Chantix. Good luck Dave!

Jenny said...

NO! Y'all make such cute kids-he can't get snipped!

I LOL after reading your comment about the tummy tuck. I need one of those right now-B.A.D!