Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dude...preschool is serious....

Tonight Dave and I went to Laura's preschool orientation. She is going to be in their two year program, and she's only going once a week for like 2 hours, so I wasn't stressing it, but after orientation I am feeling like its serious stuff....

Laura goes tomorrow to meet her teacher for like 15 min. I will be at work so Dave is taking her for that adventure. All the other kids will be there too, and we recognized a few families from the pool, so I am glad Laura will already know a few kids.

I am nervout about some of their rules. They can't wear any sort of sandel or even a freaking Croc shoe. Laura is all about her sandles and flip flops, but of course we did go shoe shopping last week and got her some preschool approved school shoes. They can't bring in a binky or nighty. I understand why, but my kid is THAT kid who likes her binky at times when she is tired or a bit needy, and I would imagine heading into a new setting is going to make her feel a little needy at first. She also has a nighty, but usually just wants that at bedtime or at naps, so that should be easier. We will just leave them at home and not even bring them in the car.

I guess I am just concerned that this is going to be a huge shock to her system since she hasn't been in a daycare setting before other then when Dave and I would work out at the Y, and I am sure she doesn't even remember that. To top it off, her first full day is the day I give birth if this baby doesn't come sooner, and if the hospital approved the 12th, so I am worried shes going to be super stressed with all the changes going on in her life.

Dave and I didn't expect Laura to have a hard time adjusting to Rachel when we brought her home as Laura was only 12 months old, but she completely freaked which shocked us, so I am trying to prepare myself for another meltdown from both of them this time, as well as her preschool transition. Hopefully, because I am trying to prepare myself and getting myself super worked up then the actual result will be easier to manage.

By the way, I felt a total grownup going to my first parent orientation thingy ever, haha. I am really excited for her, and got the biggest kick out of seeing her name in her classroom on the decorations and things. I know regardless of what she thinks at first that she will like it in time and have a blast.

One total downer is apparently there is a kid in her class with a peanut allergy so we got this huge lecture and list of foods they are not allowed to have in the room, and wow, it must really stink to be allergic to nuts....


1 comment:

Jenny said...

I. WOULD. DIE. W/OUT. PEANUT BUTTER! There was a kid in my class one year that supposedly had a severe allergy---like I had to learn how to use the epi-pen on him, etc. Anywhoo, like 2 years later he was re-tested and he was NOT allergic. As someone who LIVES on PB&J I was NOT happy I had gone for so long w/out it!

Please post pics of the girls on their first day!!!!!!