Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday Fun

Yesterday I took both girls to the pool and wore their little butts out. I thought I was going to have to beat up skinny life guard biatch though at first. I had taken both girls by myself, and going to the pool is almost like prepping for a week long vacation. We got there right before they opened, and while I was getting out of my car my little nephew and his friend came running up to me on. They had been riding their bikes around, and wanted to swim at our pool which they are not members of. They belong to the nicer yacht club, so unsure why they wanted to come to our pool but hey. So, I take in the girls in their strollers, with the gianormous Land's End tote, sign in my guests, and then make my way to the baby pool area, where I get myself undressed and lotioned up, and then the girls undressed, pool toys put in the water, chairs set up, and then finally I take the girls out of the stroller and get us all in the baby pool. After the 10 min it took me to do this, miss life guard comes to inform me that the PH level in the baby poool is a bit low, and she doesn't know if they are going to be able to let people in it today, and she needs us to get out while she calls her manager to get his say. I look at her thinking to myself, couldn't you have told me that crap before you watched me go through all of this... I tick off the girls by snatching them out of the water and I put the back in the stroller and we wait... thankfully her manager gives the ok, and everything is cool again. If it had been off limits we would have had to of gone back home, as I can't manage them both in the adult pool obviously. That is just a two adult deal. So I am guessing a low PH in the pool means we are at a higher chance of catching something, or maybe theres a lot of baby pee in the pool. I didn't really care though, it looked clean to me. If we all catch something these next few days remind me I am a bad mom. We had fun though playing, and by the time we went home we were all ready for a nap...

And get this! Bad yard family had cut their grass! HAHA... makes me wonder if they read my blog... sadly I bet they wont cut their grass again until the end of July.

Friday night Dave and I had a child free dinner at Carabas with a gift certifcate we had. That place has really grown on me. I hated it the first time I went, but I love it now. I can't get enough of the bread with the dipping oils/spices they give you. I usually get their spagetti, and they give you a ton. With my left overs alone I have enough for the kids and I for lunch today. We then continued our date in Target, and picked up some odds and ends we needed.

So tomorrow is the day I think Dave's mom wants to take the kids to her pool out in BFE. I was putting my foot down, but apparently every excuse in the book I have them for not going has been fixed. I wasn't keen on them watching 5 kids at the pool, but other grandkids are not in town, and then I thought it would just be his mom watching the girls while his dad takes his boat out, but they are both going to be present, so it's sounding better. I do not know what time they are wanting to do this, but the kids have to have their naps or Rachel especially will let her inner demon out, so good luck to them, and the coach diaper bag will not be making the trip. I could totally just picture that sucker floating in the deep end or something.


1 comment:

Jenny said...

We always end up at Target on our date nights too...I love that place!

We have Bad Yard family behind us...actually the front is gorgeous but the back is horrific! Both of our dogs and I have had ticks this year...that hasn't happened in FOREVER and I swear it's because of the jungle out back. Thank God we have a fence!

And, that's hilarious about the pool...don't you hate it when crap like that ruins the plan? Ugh...