My husband yesterday decieded to take last night off from work. He came home from after court, and slept until he asked me to wake him up, and then when the kids went to bed, he had plans to work on the baby's room. I attempted to sleep, and I slept horribly with having to wake up and pee every 5 seconds, and having this baby kick the crap out of me. So this morning, I get up and Dave is coming down stairs with Rachel who is awake and he's grumbling about how he can't get any sleep and doesn't understand why the kids are awake already. The kids usually get up at that time as that is when I go and get them ready, so I don't know what he was thinking or expecing... I take Rachel from him and feed her some breakfast while he grabs Laura, and brings her down in a clean diaper, but no other clothes, and he lays back down. I was a bit peeved as if he is home I usually try to scoot out to work early, and that is his day to get the kids up and going, but I figure he must have just worked himself to death over the babys room.... I tell Dave that I will take them to my parents so he can gather himself and sleep a bit longer, and he tries to say no, but of course he wont get out of bed either, and I am not going to leave them if he is just going to go back to sleep... so I take them next door to my parents, and explain Dave would get them in a little bit...
I then go back home to get my crap for work and deciede to peek at the babys room... Seriously, you would have though with the display he made this morning that he was up all night painting and putting the crib together... He hasn't even painted a single stripe yet... all he did was put more painters tape up to mark where the stripes go, and I think he did more of that the day before, so he made horrible progress. I just don't know what the heck he did up there... Did he sit up there and talk to the walls and beg them to paint themselves? Did he go up there and dance around the room? I just don't know?
I am begining to get inpatient here folks if you can't tell...I am 5 seconds away before pulling the pregnancy hormone card and calling David some names...

LOL! You are hilarous!
If he figures out a way for the walls to paint themselves, would you please send him to my house? I have walls that need to strip themselves of wallpaper and lots of painting to do!
ps. We need to get together and do something!
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