Every pregnancy is different. This much I have learned in three pregnancies. This one has been very kind to me I must say, compared to my other two. I have been a bit crakly lately. In fact I may or may not have told my husband this weekend that for the next 2 months his "behind" (insert potty mouth word) was mine. Basically lately I have been frustrated that my body doesn't want to keep up with what I want to do. I am sure its nature just telling me to slow down, but its still frustrating, as I have two kids to keep up with, and a million things that I want to do. Sunday I did laundry all day, which is time consuming but not exactly strenous, and I had to take a nap half way through it. We did have a butt load of laundry though.
But I am getting snappier with my loved ones, and I am having the hardest time getting comfortable at night. It's not fair that we spend part of our pregnancy not getting sleep, and then once the baby is here you don't get any sleep for a while cause you have this new little person that needs you around the clock. I know they are worth it, don't get me wrong, but we all get a bit mean when we don't have enough sleep.

Awww, I'm sorry Robyn. I totally know what you mean and there's just nothing that can make it better! How much longer???
Two more months... :)
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