Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yeah... so tomorrow morning Dave and I are leaving and we are not packed yet. Nor are the kids items for their getaway to Grandma's. They are spending one night with my mom and dad, and then the other two nights with Dave's parents. The kids will have just as much fun as we will I am sure.

Not only do we still need to pack, but I have to work today, and then Laura has her first swimming lessons this evening. Dave is getting the oil changed in our car at some point, and hes going to work tonight, which means I will be driving a chunk of the trip so he can rest.

I am totally unprepared, and disorganized and I hate that feeling. Last night I couldn't get any packing done as I was making a dessert for my boss's b-day to bring in to work today, and getting a card together for Admin Professional's Day for our secretary. We also went out to buy the crib for New Baby Girl. I had a 15% off coupon to burn and wanted to use it on the crib before it expired. The crib is just like Rachel's but its a cherry finish instead of white. Of course they din't have it in stock, (Babies R US never has freaking anything in stock, nor are the employees at our location helpful at all for the most part) but we ordered it and paid for it, and it should be in in a week or two.

The kids went to bed super early as they were drained so I couldn't fish out our suitcases from the attic as the attic access is in Rachel's room, and it wasn't worth it to me to wake her up to try to get prepared, so I will just have to settle for not being ready for now.

It looks like it will be a 7 hour trip from our house to our hotel. Prepared or not I am sooo excited!!!

Yesterday I had a baby doc appointment, and all went well. It was a typical weigh in, pee in a cup, blood pressure check kinda appointment, but they did draw some blood, and listened to the heart beat which was cool. I got props from the doctor for "excellent weight control" and instructions to come back in a month, and a reminder to go for my big ultrasound at Riverside May 6th. I hadn't gained any weight since last month, and overall I have gone up 2 lbs. I think its mainly because I am chasing around two babies at home, and I have been riding my lovely pink beach cruiser alot. Of course, the hard part with gaining is at the end when your retaining enough water to fill a swimming pool. Yeah that was me gaining 4 lbs in a week with Rachel near the end....

I have not been forced into maternity clothes yet either. With my first pregnancy I wanted to put on maternity clothes right away and couldn't wait to show. I don't mind showing, but I am not in a hurry to have to be in maternity clothes 24/7. It gets old wearing the same things over and over and over....

So as far as baby names go we have a few names we like, but can't come up with middle names. I think we will keep the name quiet again once we make our mind up. We did that with Rachel's name, as it seems when you tell people the names they want to give you their opinion on the name,and totally trash it. Then you second guess naming your child that. Or maybe thats just me!

Oh my goodness, my mom emailed me a Kate Spade coupon to the new outlet here in Williamsburg... It's good for 25% off if you spend $175 or more, which isn't hard to do. Its good until May 22nd, so if anyone wants one shoot me your email and I will send it to you. I didn't spend that much on her gift the other day to put the coupon to use, so I have been debating in my head if this coupon is a sign for me to go and by something for me lol. I need another bag like I need a hole in my head, but I am such a sucker for them... I am going to try to think on it for a while, and maybe force myself into doing something awesome and then using the bag as a reward for my good doing... Anything to make it easier to justify spending the money on myself. We shall see!

Yesterday on Oprah she had a really neat Earth Day special. They discussed composting, which I am interested in, but need to talk to someone who does it to see how much is involved and how stinky it can get. My grandma used to have a compost pile and she would use the dirt for her garden. Maybe I will have to talk to her about it. She used to have a veggi garden, but now she settled for a flower garden as it was easier for her to keep up with given that shes 90 years old now! My parents used to have a huge veggi garden when I was younger on the lot my house is on now. I am have been toying with the idea of having a small one, a seriously small one.

Ok so I guess I need to get going and head into work and start this day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you want a small, low-maintenance garden, I recommend the Aero Garden. I saw it on TV and thought it was a bunch of crap, but my mom bought us one for Christmas and it is awesome! So far we've just done herbs, and since Christmas we've been drowning in Basil, Mint, Thyme, etc. We're going to start green beans this week, I think.