Laura sure looks excited about swim class right??? She was the class crier lol... yepp the only one... BUT she did relax some near the end and seemed better, so maybe after a few more times she will like it better. Funny enough when it was over all she would talk about the rest of the night was " Did you see me in the What-eee?" She sure was proud of her self regardless...
I figured being something new she would freak a bit, but she loves bath time, and loved the pool last summer. I just don't get it, but she will come around.
At lessons Dave got in with her this time, and I think next time I will attempt to be her partner. Right before lessons started I saw a familiar girl come in with her child about the same age. I recognized her from the school I went to in 9th and 10th grade. She was a cheerleader, and probably the most popular girl, and for the record she was mean as a snake to me. When I saw her my stomach just filled with the same dread from back then. I sat there ignoring her pretending I didn't know her, and after a while she turned to me while watching her child and asked if I had gone to her school, so I had to fess up and say yes. She was actually really nice and we talked for a while and caught up on our lives. She doesn't seem so bad now. I guess people really do change since school. I would love to ask her her take on things back then, and find out why she was so freaking mean back then to everyone that wasn't in her clique. She mentioned that she got a message about their 10 year reunionon coming up and she wasn't going to go as she hated that school. So maybe highschool life wasn't all that magical for either?
We are all packed up and ready for our trip so eventually when the kids get up an we spend some time with them we shall hit the road! I am going to miss my kiddos sooo much, so hopefully I can still enjoy myself without wondering every 5 seconds what they are doing.
Regardless of the teary face, she looks so precious in this picture.
Awwww!!! Poor baby...what a cute pic, though. Hope y'all have a wonderful trip! How's Dave's Granny?
My 2 year old did the same thing a few months ago and became a swimming lesson dropout! :)
That pic is still adorable, though!
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