The entryway/front hall got painted Monday, and I am really happy with the paint job. We went with a pale yellow, and it has really made everything more cheery. I almost went with a shade brighter and I am glad I didn't. I was scared the shade I picked would be to pale, but it was actually brighter then I thought. I am really happy with the results though. Dave has completed the chair rail and painted it, and has plans to do more trim detail stuff, that hopefully will happen in my lifetime. I have a place coming out Friday for an estimate for Plantation Shutters, for the breakfast nook, so that excites me.
Right now I am steaming at my husband as today my oldest was SUPPOSED to go in to the doctor to check and make sure her UTI is gone. He had made the follow up appointment and told me March 18th at 2:20pm. All week I have been sweating this appointment, as I really hope she doesn't have be catherized, as it's unlikley I will get her to pee in a cup. I had to leave work early and I have had a lot going on at work this week so I don't have time for stupid male brains right now. I get home to gather stuff to take her and I just happend to check the machine. It was the office confirming her appointment for TOMOROW. I called the office ASAP, to confirm the date, and then discussed the situation with the husband. Sure as you know what, Dave told me the wrong date. He failed to get an appointment card, so it's basically his word against there's, but I am ticked. I planned my work week all around this, and I can not take off tomorow because I HAVE to see a patient tomorrow in order to have the stupid treatment plan done in time for the meeting. Meaning if I take off, at the TP meeting, I will look like a idiot in front of the doctor. So I left early for nothing, and now I have no choice except for my husband to take her, which means any info he gets he will forget. I also really wanted to be there for her in case she does have to be catherized, as I know that isn't fun at all.
I guess the day isn't totally wasted as now Rachel is sick with something so I am taking her into the doc in a few hours. Fun times having a bunch of kids. I take in Emily next week for her 6 month check. A good portion of our money will be going to copays this month.
Oh no, poor Laura! I hope she feels better soon. My lil' sis used to get UTI's all the time as a child. OUCH!
I can't believe E is 6 months old-that's insane.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your foyer! It looks awesome!!!
The wall looks great! Don't co-pays suck! Hope everybody is on the mend soon!
LOVE the yellow!
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