Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's been an interesting day... Rachel has the flu, Emily is teething, and Laura has to get a procedure done (ultrasound of kidneys and some horrible dye test in which she has to have a catheter) Uggg....

*EDIT*Laura was able to pee in the cup for the appointment today- and all is good with her, but apparently the way my docs office works if your under 7 and have an UTI they ask that they get the kidney ultrasound and dye test done over at CHKD in Norfolk. They are supposed to call back with the test date, but since it's her first UTI I am a little hesitant to make her go through all of that... seems a bit much to make her go through all because of one UTI....Maybe I need to talk to her doctor more about this whole thing.

We moved up the shutter place estimate appointment to today to make life even more interesting and we are getting the kitchen done first. We have to take our time with this due to the costs, but we sure saved a heck of a lot by going with this company rather then Lowe's...



Unknown said...

Ugggg! I wish there was something I could do for you.

KK said...

Pinkie had the same test and it was not as hard on her as I feared. She was scared but she didn't even cry and believe me, she is a cryer!