Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Dean and Don spooky experience...

Ok so I was asked about my spooky experience at D &D and though having every male country bumpkin family member hit on you is a bit unnerving, that wasn't it.

It's not really that interesting I guess, but there was this woman that worked there and had been working on and off there for a long time. Her name was Beverly- she was telling me that she had seen the ghost of Mr. Parrish, who was the original owner who had died I guess in early '97 right before I went to work there. I can thank Katy for calling me and offering to get me a job there. Thanks bitch! I am just kidding.

Anyways, Bev swore when she was in the back doing butter bean duty, she had seen his ghost. Bev was a bit nutty, and had a story for everything and anything, so I still don't know if she was being serious or not. Anyways, I worked there a bunch of summers as a slave, and I did take part in some not so kosher activity while on duty-whethere it was spiked Slurpees, or other matters, and were always horsing around when we could. Anyways I was on butter bean duty myself, and I was in a bad mood as the beans were really nasty and it had been raining so I was covered in dirt, and cranky from working like a mexican migrant work for hardly anything. When you shell the beans its a process of sorting through them before they go in the sheller and after and its not so much fun, so I started cheating at the process by just dumping them in the sheller, and I even threw one batch in a dumpster without shelling it as if I finished shelling all we had I could just go home. Yes I know terrible as the butter beans are the holy grail there, but its gets old I tell you, and don't judge till you work there. So I throw some away, and I swear to god something pulled the crap out of my pony tail really really hard,not just a piece of my hair but the whole pony tail, and noone was there. So yeah granddaddy parrish got abusive on me maybe. Scared me enough where I tried to do the beans the proper way after that.

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