Dave was a trooper today. His teeth actually were impacted and not through like he had thought, so this ended up being a good thing with our insurance as it covered it all, if they were already through all the way then insurance would only pay half, so Dave's teeth being impacted was a good thing for me anyways as it will allow us to finish our Christmas shopping now... haha.
My mom ticked me off today, as I needed to go pick up Dave's meds and get some more friendly foods for him, and she had watched the kids while I took Dave, when I dropped Dave off I ran in to check on the kids. I had previously told her a dozen times I would be dropping Dave off and then running to the store down the road to get the drugs and needed food stuff. Apparently she failed to remember this, and had picked today to do some bank thing, that she had to do, and wanted to do it before my dad came home, god forbid she have to leave the house after he came home. So that made me annoyed, and being the ill tempered person I am I ran my mouth to her. Ever try grocery shopping with an infant and a toddler? One child, not so bad at all, but two makes it impossible to put anything in the cart as Laura has to sit in the front as the local grocery stores carts will not hold Rachel up front so by the time everyone is in the cart, where do I put the crap? Throw it on Rachel, or give it to Laura to throw at other shoppers? Or do I put it underneath and randomly lose my groceries as we wander the store for our goods. So yeah this is why I do my shopping solo in the evening alone or with one child. When Rachel is out of her carrier it will be a little easier as then she can face me up front and then Laura can sit in the ones that look like a toy car is in front- that is if she will sit in it rather then jump out and make a run for it.
So I talked my mom to taking a kid with her to the bank, and probably made my mom feel about the size of an ant. I feel pretty crappy for my outburst now, but she is so forgetful these days. I was complaining to my sister about it when she called to check on David, and my sister then ticked me off as when I was bitching about it, she said that I really just need to give her a break, and that its time for me to just take the plunge and get someone else to watch my child. First of all- excuse me but didn't she have my mom watch her kids for what 10 or more years????? She never went with someone else, she just waited until they were old enough to be home alone, so I thought her advice was interesting. Second of all, I really appreciate my mom watching them- I really do, but I don't work on Friday's, I am usually home Early, and don't leave for work very early in the mornings either- and I never have them watch the kids while I do anything fun- its only for work or things like today that popped up, I work about 26 hours a week give or take. AND Dave has a schedule in which hes home some in the week so that takes some hours off right there. So it's not like I am working her like a slave, and I also give her random stuff like either gifts, gift cards from time to time. She wont accept cash from me and says not to pay her, so the only things I know to do is get her little gifts now and then.
SO yes I am appreciative, but I am not ready to use non family childcare on a regular basis. I have 2 non family babysitters I trust with my kids, and thats the extent of that. If my mom says its too hard for her I would jump ship then, but I ask her on a regular basis to be honest with me and tell me if it gets rough, and she never complains, and actually acts less stressed with them then I do at times when their behavior is less then impressive.
So can you tell I am PMSing? I am ready to just snap at anyone that talks to me right now, by tomorrow though I hope to be a bit more positive and less mad at the world.
So anyways- Dave is doing fine- has some pain but its manageable, and he was a riot when he woke up from sedation. He attempted to sing to me with gauze in his mouth in recovery the following "I'm a little chipmunk short and stout" yes his own version of the teapot song I guess.
LOL. That's so wrong that you took a picture of him! I remember when James was coming out of the sedation - too funny. He won't remember a thing, either.
As for your mom, I can relate to the forgetfulness. My mom's memory is AWFUL due to mini-strokes and it irritates the crap out of me.
Glad everything went well!
Does Dave know that you are taking pictures of him and sharing them on the internet for strangers' amusement?
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