Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quick post before bed...

My newest quest was starting to diet again, yepp, I joined weightwatchers again. I tried to do the Jenny diet but apparently theres not a Jenny place anywhere around here anymore, so I settled for this. I started Tuesday, and I did so-so that day, today I did very well with it but I want to eat my arm right now. It will get easier though I guess... maybe..

Dave is doing fine- not really eatting anything other then milkshakes still but whatever.

My boss has invited me to go to the Poconos with her in a few weeks, not sure if I will go- there is some conference meeting a bunch of people are going to and it would be fun but its right at xmas and I hate leaving the kids... and that would mean leaving again as we have plans to head out of town sans the kids here soon for a wedding.

We shall see though, wouldn't mind seeing if the Poconos have anything more besides tacky hotel rooms with heart shape beds...

Tomorow mom and I are going to Bizaar Bazzar in Richmond! So excited!!! Ready to spend spend spend...

I leave you with this- a link of a new gymboree line coming out but its just girl stuff, the boy stuff isn't up yet but will post that later when it comes up.

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