Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Birthday prepping, and hissy fits...

I have been debating on what to cook for Rachel's party Saturday. She's turning 1 years old!! I refuse to make bbq again for fear people will groan as its my staple of choice with a bunch of people coming over. I have been wanting to make home made spagetti sauce, and had a Paula Deen receipe, so I decieded to make it last night for dinner as a test to see if we liked it, and it was super yummy. The kids loved it, so I know they will at least eat it. I was a bit worried before I made it as the reviews were either awsome or horrible, no in between at all.... So there are some chances of people hating it Saturday I guess but oh well. It's a free meal after all.
Tonight we are taking Rachel to the Picture People to do her one year pictures. Hopefully that will go ok. Besides that I need to put together her 1st year frame, and I have little goody bag things to make that I have not started yet.

I was a bit frustrated today as I am sick and tired of Dave having court on his days off. I am sure he's a lot more tired of it then I am, but it just sucks sometimes. I don't think he's very organized about keeping track of it for one thing, but anyways, my mom scheduled an eye appointment for herself today thinking he was off. Her appointment was for early in the morning, and last night it dawns on David that he has court that morning. My mom watches my babies for me so this meant I was going to hang out into someone came home and I would leave for work. Well at 10:30am my mom gets home and by then if I were to drive to Williamsburg I wouldn't have much time to be productive as the patients are gone by 3pm, so at 9:30 I decieded to just take today off and give up my friday off which makes me mad as I sorta needed it to get some birthday stuff done. It's noon right now and Dave is still not home from court either. So at this point I am pissed off at his job, mad with him for leaving chores undone, and for leaving a nasty mess on his dresser. This morning I discovered a bag freaking chips on his dresser, some candy bar half eaten and two soda cans, just hanging out on his dresser cause thats just where it belongs I guess. Nasty I tell you. The funny this is when I did grocery shoppping last week he asked me to buy a bunch of healthy food as he was starting his diet, so much for his diet I guess. I am just easily irritated right now and looking for reasons to have a fit. Anyways, my pay back for being pissy at him is this- tomorow is preschool registration day, and apparently it involves standing in line several hours before they open to get the slot you want, and I was going to do that tomorow. Guess what? Dave is going to do it now as I am not going to be late another day this week, and he's going to fork over the money for it as well.

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