Monday, January 28, 2008

Is it almost over?

Apparently it appears, cross your fingers, that its a 24 hour bug, as we are begining to feel better. I totally feel like I have the worst hangover ever... The kids have slept most of the day, with the exception of the times they were throwing up on myself or Dave. Yeah not one of the prettier things that come a long with parenthood I tell you.

I hope we have not infected all that have come in contact with us the last few days I tell ya. I do not wish this on my enemies.

Speaking of enemies, an old friend of mine that I have blogged about some, who was having all kinds of marriage problems, and had reconciled with her cheating with minors husband. Yeah the friend that only comes around these days when she needs something, and then disappears for months and months. Anyways, someone was telling me a week ago they heard there were some more marital problems going on still, and low and behold I got a text from my old friend. It was a simple text just seeing how we all were. But it totally figures as now that her life is falling apart again I guess she expects everyone to be there for her again. I know it sounds mean, but I am just tired of friends that only want to be around when its convienent for them. That's just crappyness, and I am not going to play those games anymore. So I have done nothing. I have not called her or texted her back. Considering that she lives about a mile away if its that bad she can come in person, and even then I know I would want to slam the door, but deep down I know I am not that mean. Should be interesting how it all plays out all around.

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