Monday, November 17, 2008


Today Dave and I went to the local Y to work out when he woke up this evening. I was excited about finally going to the gym, and getting some cardio in. We decieded to take our oldest two and have them go the daycare for some socialization, and Emily stayed with my parents. Apparently Laura and Rachel would rather have stayed with my parents as well, as 15 min into our workout we got paged over the loud speak to report to the childcare area. Both kids were cying and wanted to leave ASAP. Sigh... I thought they would be ok since they would have each other, and Laura is all about going to preschool now. Guess I thought wrong. I am debating about forcing them to go back to see if they can get over it, or just opting out of taking them all together.

We saw Santa Sunday at Bass Pro and that visit went just as well the Y adventure went...Bass Pro has a kid area with Santa, and they do free pics. It's actually super cute, and we were going to use it as a warm up before we went to Richmond to see the "Real" Santa. Emily was the only one that would get in his lap, so ummm I don't think we will waste our time going to Richmond to watch my kids get hysterical...


1 comment:

Katie said...

Are you talking about the REAL Santa in Richmond? Oh hell, I wish I was one of your kids so I could go back there.....So much fun.