Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things on my mind...

I look as crappy as I feel today. I am freaking tired as can be and its showing... A coworker today who is rather a plain person (no makeup etc) pretty much told me I looked like crap. I can't be mad though cause its true. My hair has seen better hair days lately as I don't feel like messing with it much, which is sad as a bob isn't that much work. I blame this on myself with trying to be better with the prenatal vitamins, as when I take them like I should they just make me sick and feel crappy. I kinda think its in my head, cause I can look at them and start to dry heave, and even talking about them makes me feel pale. When I don't take them I usually feel pretty awsome, and when I do take them I feel nasuseas no matter what time of day I have them, with or without food, and all the different samples of them I have tried do the same thing. I think its the iron but of course I have always had low iron and been anemic, so I need the freaking extra iron. Blah...

I need to take a nap and exfoliate my face cause my face looks like sandpaper, and my hair is nappy. I also need to shave my legs. I am soo turning you all on right now right? My husband must be oh so proud of his hot wife. I might as well just put on my bikini and march around the neighborhood showing off my stretch marks to top it all off.

I have paypal if anyone wants to donate to send me to a spa for some grooming.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

LOL---you make me laugh!!!!! You totally deserve a spa day. I hope you can rest up and enjoy the weekend.