We took a mini vacation to Lurray, VA with another couple and their daughter. It was a lot of fun! We stayed at a cabin that we had been to last year, and we were able to tour Lurray Caverns, float in tubes down the river (which is why Emily didn't go... the floating down the river taskes about 4 hours give or take, and I didn't think she would appreciate sitting that long in a inner tube). True to form I ate way to much, and unfortuantly somehow gained almost 3lbs while away.... Don't know why I was surprised given we ate a ton of smores, drank wine, and of course hit up PF Changs and Cracker Barrel and I didn't exactly pick healthy options... yeah I went a bit crazy. EEK. Oh well hopefully I can get some of it off this week. The weather was so pretty and kids loved being outside and enjoying new things!
In other news, we are getting ready for school as our oldest meet their teachers next week, so I busy making sure the girls physicals are in, and also starting to get ready for Emily's birthday! I had the invites done, but of course messed up on the spelling, so I have to reprint them and mail out. I ordered her cake today, and I have items to make some party favors. I am going to make chocolate dipped pretzel rods covered in sprinkles for the favors. I am going to do a trial run next week early on and make a few bags for teacher gifts.... It pays to suck up in advance with food....
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