Friday, March 12, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Shirt

Ok, so this isn't Gymboree quality... but it will work. I wanted to make my girls a St. Patrick's Day shirt using my sewing machine after I saw this : Well, not actually make a shirt, but take an old one we already had and jazz it up. It wasn't really that hard at all, and the project was free. My mom had more fabric then a fabric shop, so I asked her if she had any green fabric, and she ended up pulling out 3-4 different St. Patrick Day prints. Now I plan on recreating this again for Rachel and Emily, but I wont do as big of a clover this time around cause this one was a little too massive.


1 comment:

AverettLadyNana said...

Love the shirt! Love the model! Love it that she's wearing baseball cap---after that comment that escaped from her lips the other day!!

You did really good on the shirts for all three of them.

Enough fabric to have my own fabric shop huh...comes in handy for ya though...