Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy 2nd bday Rachel!

The first day at home from the hospital.

Your first pictures.

Finally holding you on delivery day.

Finally meeting you.
Dear Rachel,
Your two years old today. The years have simply blown by. I became pregnant with you when your sister was three months old, and it was a hard pregnancy in the begining with some bed rest, kidney stones, hospitalization, and a million kidney infections. You were worth it all.
Right now you are talking more and more each day. You are fiesty, and you are sweet. You want to do everything your big sister does. You love on baby Emily, and are so gentle and loving with her. Almost every time we go out people mistake you and Laura for twins. I hope you continue to stay close with your siblings, and continue to grow into the little lady you are. I love you!



Unknown said...

Happy Day to your sweet baby! Sweet pictures.

Jenny said...

Awwww! I love those sweet newborn pics!