Dear Laura,
You are three years old today, and I know this sounds like every other mom, but I honestly can not believe it. I don't think I have ever been as scared before in my life then I was that day, and I have a hard time thinking about the events that day, and how scared I was that I was going to lose you when there were in distress. You came by c-section that evening, and I finally got to meet you. It was love at first sight for me and your dad.
You were so tiny weighing 6.2.
The first year blew by so fast... I became pregnant with your sister when you were just three months old, and it was not an easy task to keep up with you, as you started walking at 10 months. You were just ready to take on the world, and you made life fun.
I love you so much and you amaze me every day with what you say, do, create. Right now your a combination of a priss pot, and a tom boy much like someone else we all know...You love playing with playdough, painting, drawing, and of course even in the winter you ask if we can go to the pool since you love it.
Having you and your sisters has been my greatest accomplishmet, and the best thing hands down to ever happen to me. Happy birthday little girl.
Aww! Happy Birthday little Laura!
This was so very sweet!
And Nana is crying just reading this...what a scary day/night that was...I knew there were huge problems when Dr. S. was sitting watching the monitor in the nurses station and had canceled all his appointments in his office...that day. Thank God for him and making sure Laura arrived alive, safe, and healthy!!!A day ending in pure joy and thankfulness.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Laura!!! Nana and Papa LOVES YOU and YOUR SISTERS SO VERY MUCH!!!!
Awww! That brought tears to my eyes. Happy B*day Laura!!!
This made me cry! She'll treasure this letter forever!
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