Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mid week slacker post...

I don't have time for a lengthy post, but I did want to thank everyone for the emails, phone calls, etc re: my dad. He's doing much better, and his kidneys are back in good health which is awesome. Of course I know my kids are not the cause of recent health drama, and only a truly bitter/jealous person would even come up with such thoughts.

I have stayed busy this week with my older two finishing up preschool, which I can't believe another school year is about over! They have lots of end of school year activites between class parties, school picnics, etc. Summer will be busy as I already have them signed up for gymnastics, ballet, vacation bible school, and swim classes, and of course they are looking forward to some fun at the pool and vacation at the beach. Oh to be a kid again in the summer! In other news, I got my first eye roll from my oldest when I told her to put her cowgirl boots away. I am sure it's the first of many in my future =).


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