Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today my oldest child refused to come home today when I got home from work, had a tantrum, hurt my feelings a million times over, hit me as hard as she could several times in my face, etc and my mom (who witnessed this) was silly enough to wonder why I was in a bad mood and told me I must have had a bad day at work. Umm no. My child is just possesd by a demon, and is getting confused by having rules at home and little or none at their house. So of course that makes me a super fun mom. I may or may not have thrown the closest object within my reach in the kitchen on the floor immediatly after she made her comment to to me. And Dave worked overtime tonight.. lovely


Cher said...

Oh, I feel your pain. I'm going through the same kind of things but in the teen motions. I always feel like the world's worst mom and the hub keeps saying he's sure it's a phase, but she sees him as the favorable parent. Hmmph! If they(both kid and hubs) only knew how much it hurts sometimes...

Unknown said...

That sucks! I'm sorry. I would say it'll get better, but you know as good as I do that the older they get the worse it gets. Ahhh girls.

I'm having a giveaway that's sure to bring a smile to your face!!!!