Thursday, April 30, 2009

So I wont be wining the Mother of Year Award...

A few days ago I opened a bill from our pediatrician’s office, thinking that it was strange we even got a bill. I figured maybe there was going to be a small fee for lab work on one of the kids many visits the last month. Ha. It was a bill for over $1,000. Clearly, something was wrong. We still have insurance, and the kids hadn’t had anything done that crazy…. I looked closer at it, and apparently our insurance company needed us to update our Coordination of Benefits. Basically, wanting to make sure we didn’t have another insurance out there, and to figure out if they were still primary. We have our insurance through Dave’s work, and he had gotten some notices to update the COB, and of course because he’s man he didn’t.
So I called Anthem today to do it myself at work. I was explaining to the woman the situation, and then she wanted to have my kids names and their DOB’s. Remember I have three kids that are all super close in age…I rattled off Laura’s with no problem, but got stuck on Rachel’s birthday, and then fumbled on Emily’s name. I got totally embarrassed but started giggling because it is kinda funny. The Anthem lady was not impressed, and just remained silent. I am sure she is questioning my mothering skills.


1 comment:

Veronica said...

yeah I have a hard time rattling off birthdays too. I kept thinking that one boys birthday was the 26th and its actually the 27th, he set me straight last year. yikes.