We have really enjoyed the warm weather, and after work this week if I have been home early enough we have been outside playing in the street with our bikes, and other toys. We had a new neighbor move in at Thanksgiving who have a 18 month girl, and I have really enjoyed getting to know her. Another friend of mine who lives one street over has been coming over a lot to let her kids play on our street too, and it's been nice to watch the kids play all together, and be able to gab. It's pretty much something that has never existed before since all of our other neighbors are elderly.
I started reading another new book- The Color Purple, by Alice Walker. I love the movie, and I have to say I think I like the movie better. The book is a bit uncomfortable to read, as it goes into more detail on certain issues. I also think that I saw the movie when I was pretty young, and a lot of that may have just gone over my head and I just didn't understand it. It is a good book though, and I have already read about half of it. I picked this one up at a used book sale at my daughters school for .50
My husband is just as excited as he can be planning his Super Bowl party. Obviously I am not as excited, I know it's important to him, so I am trying to be helpful lol. I am thinking of planning a craft for the kids while they are over here so they have something fun to do. Nothing crazy or messy, maybe just a Valentine's type project, or maybe I will print out some football coloring pages for them to do.
This weekend in between getting ready for Sunday, I need to make a cake for my oldest who is turning 6 on Monday. We are having a small family party for her, and she wants a red velvet cake. I also would like to take the kids to the Air and Space Museum since our VLM pass will give us admission there as well.
I see a busy weekend and a dirty kitchen in my weekend future.

I've made these brownies before - they are AMAZING! Hope you guys have a great weekend :)
Those Naked Brownies were to die for!!!
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