Monday, September 28, 2009

The begining....

So as I said in my last post I got this video from a friend, on a Thursday, and after staring at them all weekend I broke out one yesterday morning.... after thumbing through them, I honestly though the Plyometrics video would be a great starting point... I had no idea even what the heck that word meant, but I don't have a pull up bar yet and thought that this might be the easiest one to start out with.

I was horribly wrong.

The first thing out of the guys mouth when the workout began was that this was one of the hardest videos. He also said make sure you didn't eat at least a hour before working out, and dummy me just polished off a bowl of cereal.

Needless to say it didn't go well. I spent more time sitting on the couch or laying down hurting and cussing at the man. Even a worse ego blow, one of the guys in the video had a fake leg, and was able to do this.... Me with two healthy legs, not so much....

The video was an hour long of jumps, squats, and lunges at high intensity.

I spent more time on my butt just watching, but this morning my thighs and behind are on fire, so I still got a good workout...

Tonight I am going to attempt the ab ripper video in the set, which will probably go just as well...
Oh well.

I think I am going to have Dave take pictures of me to monitor my progress. If you think I am going to post those pictures on my blog your sniffing glue.

Happy Monday!



Veronica said...

seriously stick with it for 90 days! and if you're ripped then maybe I'll put my copy in the dvd player and try it. I'm too scared.
size 6 would mean a couple of weekends at the outlets. woot!

Carrie Ann said...

OUCH! I sweat just watchng my husband do these videos...who would have thought yoga was so TOUGH!