Well she's three now....I can't believe it, my youngest is 3!!!!Wow! Her party went great, and she had a good time. We had a friend who loaned us a small bouncey house, but the rain prevented us from using it, but that's ok, I think everyone bounced all over the house lol.
For the table in the dining room I displayed the Elmo tissue pom pom I made (super easy, no need to ever buy tissue pom poms again from etsy, just google a how to and your good to go, if you can fold paper ala fan style your gold). I had made white chocolate dipped pretzel rods with sprinkles a few days before that I put out, and I had some gold fish crackers for the younger ones, as well as some carmel corn in a dish for people to snack on. I also put out my Elmo cake that I was so stinking proud of, and the cupcakes.
As far as the actual dinner, my husband smoked some bbq, so we had plenty of that in two different sauces, and I made mac and cheese, fruit cabobs, and buffalo dip. I had planned to make more food, but this morning I figured enough was enough, and it seemed to be plenty!
I usually make cherry limeaide in my beverage dispenser for every birthday party, but knowing it was a red drink I figured I would go with the Elmo flow, and stick on eyes and nose so it could look the part too. Later my father in law stuck the eyes and nose on his red shirt to fit in as well =)
This year Emily really enjoyed opening her presents, and was moving as fast as she could on them. She got a lot of clothes, as well as a few toys like a barbie that she asked for as well as some other neat things.
I think she had a good time, and hopefully time will slow down a little bit, and she wont continue to grow up so fast!

awesome! I love the drink dispenser!!
She looks SO cute-love her dress!!! Happy Birthday Emily and nice party, Mama!!!
Everything was delicious!!! All the Elmo stuff was really cute!!! Seemed like she had a good party and nice gifts!!!
Everything looks great, Robyn...happy birthday to your Emily!!
Everything was adorable! You're super mom!
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