Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our Tuesday

My older two kiddos had their last day of school for the year, with their Christmas class parties and Christmas program. I stayed up late finishing the teachers Christmas gifts, (some cookies and treats on a cute Christmas plate) and then woke up at a crazy hour to see the freaking moon. I never went back to bed, so I am obviously dragging right now...I also made the mistake of going to Walmart grocery shopping as I needed a butt load of grocries for our party. It was traumatizing, I should have just paid more and gone somewhere else.

Anyways, I had it in my head that it would be really sweet to dress the girls up in their matching dresses today. I really wanted a cute picture of all three, but this was as good as we could get it. Yes I was a semi mean mom, and made my kids pose outside in the cold by the door without jackets on in an attempt to capture a picture. I don't even know why I thought that would be a good idea, but you can see how that worked out for us:


Yeppers, that didn't fly. Rachel turned her head and started crying... So off to school we went....usually they are dropped off at the front door in the carpool line, but because I had teacher presents, I thought it would be a good idea to park and walk all of us inside. Emily was really excited and demanded to take her book bag (she doesn't go to school yet, but she has a book bag all ready for next year). She was so proud to march on in like her sisters. Maybe this was a fluke, but when we were walking down the hallway, she saw the hooks on the wall, and she stopped, took her bag and jacket off, and hung them on a hook. I had to laugh as the hook she put it on actually said "Emily" above it. She had a great time checking out the classroom, and had the biggest meltdown when we left to run back home. Maybe I should just put her in school in January....I think she would love it...

Anyways, just as soon as I got back home I had to go back to school for the parties and then their program. The program was cute, Rachel who refused to practice her singing with her class during practice sessions ended up singing loud and proud, and Laura who had come home everyday excited to talk about the singing, froze up and looked like she was about to run. That's pretty typical of her though, she does great unless there is a large crowd. Can't say I blame her though, I am the same way. It was precious though.

1 comment:

Whitney (for the rest of the Shouses) said...

Oh. My. Gosh...where did you get those dresss? I love them and they can wear them after December!