Sunday, January 13, 2013

Goal progress....

We are at the half way point of January, and I am working hard to stick to my goals.  I have already read 5 book this year.  I am a bit of a speed reader, but I also make time for it in the morning, and I usually can be found reading during my lunch breaks.

I do most of my reading on my iPad or utilize the local library.  If you have a ipad or another device you can read epub format books I, I strongly encourage you to check out .  It's a website with a crazy amount of free books.  Not that I have ever done this... I am just saying....

This year I have read the Carrie Diaries ( I know nothing profound or educational, but they were fun reads), and a few other fun books.

I am staying steady with the gym, and workouts at home on days I can't get to the gym.

I am working on stressing less.  I returned to work after a long break and so far I have not lost my marbles yet.

I have been trying to declutter when able and work on trying to get in a cleaning pattern.  Still a work on progress with that.  With kids you can't be do but so much, and let's face it they are always behind me making a mess =).

We are staying busy with swimming club with Laura and Rachel, and this month Emily is doing lessons through the Parks and Rec.  She is having a blast.  This means we have swimming every day of the week except weekends for now, but hey.  It's all about the kids and they love it!

I am busy planning Laura and Rachel's birthday party.  We booked the aquatic center at Ft. Eustis which they are super excited about.

Let's hope my goal progress continues!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a wise mom once said, "cleaning the house while your kids are still growing, is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing"