Saturday, January 21, 2012

Much needed weekend...

It's been a good, low key Saturday.  When Dave got home from work he suggested we all go to the VLM, since he had not been able to join us last weekend when we renewed our passes.  Yepp our third time going in a week lol.  Hey we are going to get our monies worth since we live close by.  Today they were having story hour in which someone read a book about Possums.  Then one was brought out for the the children to see, and they got to pet it.  Yeah they sure are not the prettiest thing,but it was neat.  We learned that possums in the wild generally only live for 3 years, and those out of the wild like we saw live 4-5 years.  Also, they don't play dead, they pass out due to fear when they get scared.  We had planned to walk to the trail there, but it started pouring so we just came home.  Registration just started for the baseball/softball field by our house, and Dave went to sign the girls up, and fill out a form because he wants to coach the girls in t-ball this year.  I think it's awesome that he wants to do that, such a good involved daddy.  Emily is still too young for t-ball but our older two will play, but maybe she can be an honorary player =).
Tonight I am meeting a girlfriend for a dinner to catch up, and then tomorrow I am going to get some things ready for Dave's family birthday party Monday.  I am making him a cake.  We also have plans to go to a new bbq place called Smoke tomorrow night with some friends to celebrate a little early too!

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