Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tis the Season....

Thanksgiving was busy as usual this year!  The morning of Dave and I ran in a 5k.  I was really excited to run one with him, as it was his first, and he had been working out hard.  He did great, and I was really proud of him.  We finished it together and our official time was 33 minutes.  I thought our times were pretty good, as there was a lot of people, so it was super crowded until about the 1 mile mark, and there were a lot more hills.  The last one I did was completely flat and all on regular road so it was easier.  My only goal was to do this one without stopping and I met it.  Dave had to walk a little, but luckily I have a slow pace, so he was able to catch up quickly. 

We later had lunch at my moms house, and then a few hours later went over to the inlaws for round two.   After a bunch of eating all day I took a quick nap to rest up for black Friday!  My girlfriend and I had planned to head to Target for their sale.  They opened at midnight.  It was crazy crowded, but we did good and got everything we were after.  She took me home at about 3am, and I got in my car and went back out to the local mall to see if there was anything worth having. Apparently an incident occurred  when they opened at midnight, but all was well when I got there.  I hardly ever go to the mall anymore, so I was shocked to see they had opened a Crazy 8's store.  I actually like it better then Gymboree.  It's owned by the same people, and it's really similar but a little cheaper.  They had some good deals! I came home, and then did a little more shopping online.  I got a few things on the Toys R Us website, and some things on Gymboree.  I should have then gone to bed, but I figured I could clean up the house, and then treat the family to a pancake breakfast.  They were excited to wake up to that!

After breakfast, I was happy to have Dave's help with the Christmas decorations.  Usually every year I get everything out and just do it myself, but Dave scored major brownie points by eagerly helping me.  The girls also enjoyed helping. We ended up going out to the local tree lot and buying our tree, and getting that all decorated too.  Laura was our biggest helper and she helped decorate the tree from start to finish!  Emily and Rachel just wanted to see the finished product! 

It's hard to believe that Christmas season is upon us...I love this time of year though.  The girls are at such fun ages, Emily finally really "gets it". 



Jamie said...

Where do you buy your crack?!! :)

AverettLadyNana said...

Emily and Rachel had wiped themselves out decorating mine...with Laura as the head decorator-in-chief on my tree. They were all three up and down that ladder!