Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's me vs. Elmo........

My obsession with Pinterest has leaked into me using it to help plan my youngest child's birthday party for Saturday. I made an Elmo Party board, and I have been attempting to finish up some details. One thing I am doing for the first time is making a birthday cake. Ok, so I have made cakes before.... but never one that required me to decorate. I can make a sheet cake, or slopp some icing on something, but let's take a moment and pray for me as I attempt to make an Elmo cake.....

A girlfriend of mine loaned me an Elmo pan that she used for one of her kids, and told me it will be easy. This chick makes all of her kids cakes, and she is good, so her idea of easy for something I have never done before is probably a lot different... I have to dye icing. This freaks me out. I have to use a star pointed thingy and make a million dots on the cake. That frightens me. Of course I wont be even able to do that if I can get the cake out of the Elmo shaped pan, which I have been told I have to lube the bejesus out of. I can't make my mind up what receipe to use for the icing or the actual cake part, I'm freaking here people!

Of course my husband has made fun of me for my cake anxiety, and said he would just do it.... NOPE, this is something that I want to do, I'm just freaked about, as I predict it will be an interesting process....with probably a few screwups a long the way... even sadder, the cake pan isn't that big so I might have to make two cakes or just forget about it and make some cupcakes to go along with the cake.

Oh yes, I do have a back up plan though.... Another mom at the ball field was listening to my worries while I got the pan, and said she makes cakes on the side, and she gave me her number to use as an emergency hotline lol. Hopefully I don't have to call her, and can report to her that it went well....

If worse comes to worse, I will just say I let Emily help make it lol.

Pray guys....


1 comment:

Jamie said...

You're funny! I used the Wilton pan for Wesley's trash truck cake and it had very specific directions for getting it out without breaking it, and I totally broke it. But once I iced it, you couldn't tell. And it is small so I made cupcakes, too. You'll do great! And you'll be so proud of yourself! Those icing things are easy, too. :)