Friday, July 16, 2010

The end of my 20's...

On Saturday I turn 30. I am going back and forth between being calm about this, and then freaking out. How in the world has 30 years gone by so fast? I am sad to see the 20's go. So many great life events occured....

Most importantly in my 20's I met my husband....Ok technically I met him when I was 19 in biology class, but we began dating after meeting all over again in psychology class. This is a picture from New Years Eve/Day 2000/2001

Let's all have a moment of silence for how skinny we both were.

We went on to both graduate from college together in 2002, I was 21.


A few weeks later Dave proposed, and I began a Masters program at VCU. I graduated the following year at age 22.


We were married in 2003 when I was 23 years old, we built a house, and began making a home.

We decieded to start a family, and had some trouble getting pregnant. We finally conceived and when I was 25 we had out first beautiful girl Laura when I was 25.

Apparently, all infertility issues are resolved because baby number two, Rachel, comes a year and two weeks after Laura. I was 26.
That picture cracks me up every time I see it. That was taken the first day I came home with Rachel. I laid them on the ground beside each other and thought, I should have just had twins.

We got into a good routine, and then as everyone already knows, wham- baby three is on it's way

I was 28 when Emily was born. This was an easier transistion, as Emily has just fit right in.

Though my latter 20 years have been extreamly busy, sometimes stressful,they have been the most rewarding. As I enter my 30's I am scared that these years are the make it or break it year in child rearing as I attempt to teach them right from wrong, sway them from the bad crowd, etc. Pray for us =)



Jamie said...

Happy Birthday!! Look at it this way (and I am totally stealing this from a Jessica Simpson interview on the Rachael Ray show), it's better to be a young 30 something than an old 20 something :) ha ha!!

AverettLadyNana said...

Emily isn't in the bottom picture...
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!!!Thirty years ago tonight I was lying in Riverside Hospital after a day of inducing and still no baby sleeping Tuesday night, no sleeping Wednesday night, and no sleeping Thursday night after you finally arrive...come to think of it hasn't been much sleeping through the night since...

Jenny said...

Awww, I loved this post! Happy Birthday!!!