Thursday, December 6, 2007

Almost the weekend!

Not much new going around here. Just trying to get ready for Christmas, finish up some shopping, and wrap everything. I try to get presents on my way home after work or just whenever I can get out, I just have little stuff to get, except for Dave of course.

Last night I got a small gift for my mom at the pharmacy where I live. They carry a nice selection of Vera Bradly. It's just a paperback book cover, but I think she will like it. She's a reader like me. I almost bought the lunch bag for myself, but then I scolded myself reminding that I need to finish up on everyone else. I then stopped in the nail place there too to get an eye brow wax. When I left I noticed next door a new Massage and Yogo place had opened up. I wanted to go in an get a brochure, but when I get my eyebrows done, I like like a crazy person, for a few hours before the redness goes away. Yes a few hours. I love that nail place. It's called Nail Luv and its owned by you guess it, a nice Asian family. Usually those places are a bit sketchy. But this place is different I swear. They speak English, and English only around the customers, its very clean as well. You can even buy your own kit for manicures and pedicures so you don't use other peoples stuff. Their prices are always very reasonable too, and they do waxing in the back! They were thinking about starting Massages, but with the place opening up next door I don't think it would be a good idea.

I am going to to go back to the massage place and get a certificate for a massage for Dave as a stocking stuffer. He's a girl like that.

I packed up the kids stuff last night in their new bag I got from Bizarra Bazzar. I hope they behave while we are gone, and I am going to miss them like crazy, but boy am I excited about our getaway. I am also excited to see a few people from college. Rob was such a good friend of ours, and I am really happy for him and his wife to be.

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